Is That Trouble Maker The Next Queen of K-Pop?

    Who's that trouble maker?

    Who's that trouble maker?

    Who's that -

    Chill. It's just - Hyuna!

Oh, Hyunseung too.

My Youtube Channels

    I have two (actually three...I really need to go delete the old one). One is called 'UkisSoshi' ('cuz when I made this I was realy into Ukiss - I've always been into SNSD). The second one is 'heartKPOPhaven'. Yes, it has the same name as this blog because that channel is where I will be uploading videos that I made purposely for my blog. Also some SNSD vids. Now why am I making an entry about this? Well...uhm...err...'cuz I can.

    If you get tired of reading and just wanna watch some K-Pop fmv's (fanmade music videos, for you noobs), here are the channel links:

    Enjoy the show~

Dude (Looks Like A Lady)

    Koreans have this thing, their dudes like to dress up as dudettes. Ok, I'm not saying all their men are like this. But it is a thing. Don't believe me? Just go check out any Korean shows. You are guaranteed to find at least one episode featuring 'men/boys who look pretty in wigs and skirts'.

A little example. 

1,2,3 ~ Eyesmile~

    I used to have this classmate, whenever he smiled, his eyes went missing. When he smiled while we were talking, I would go, "Are you still looking at me? I can't see your eyes."

He looked something like this.

Two of A Kind

    Yes, once again, the title refers to the Olsen twins. This time it's a TV Show. And they looked like this:

Yes, I was obsessed with them
(so was half the world) - sue me.