
    The whole time I was fangirling over DBSK,somehow never once had I refered to myself as a Cassiopeia. I just never felt the need to associate myself with any fandom since I seemed to go ga-ga over all the boybands anyway. Again - boybands. Note that I was still not much of a girlgroup supporter.

    All that changed in late 2008. I started listening to songs by girlgroups. Just listened, I watched their MV's as well but I didn't bother googling them up much. However, it was early 2009 when my love for girlgroups became REAL. After January 2009, I gave girlgroups the same level of love I gave the boybands I fangirl-ed over. Heck, 2009 was even the year I became even more learned about this whole K-Pop phenomenon.

    So, what caused the sudden love rush for girlgroups? This -

Gee, gee, gee, gee~ Baby, baby, baby~

    Yup, a girlgroup. SNSD [소녀 시대] or Girls' Generation, to be exact. The girlgroup who I didn't even pay attention to when they debuted. And here I feel bad, because my lack of interest in girlgroups wasn't the only factor in making me ignore this amazing girlgroup. It was also because I had read a lot of 'bad' things about them on the internet. It led me to believe these girls really weren't worth my time. I'm embarrassed to admit - but there were times I even joined in laughing at the ridicules geared towards them. I didn't have anything against them, i just didn't see anyhting wrong with joining in the laughter. 

    It was only after I became hooked on their song 'Gee' that I googled them up and slowly realized that most of what were said about these girls were mostly completely false or just blown way out of proportion. I realized the bad things were written by antis. Thank goodness as I kept googling I encountered posts that were more positive and more truth-containing as opposed to what antis wrote. I started seeing SNSD in a different light. A brighter, more positive light.

    I have a video I made about my journey into becoming a S<3NE (which I'll post up later) so I won't touch any more on this. And - oh, did I just identify myself as part of a fandom? Why, yes. Yes, I did:] I can't continue talking about SNSD (this will definitely take me several posts) here, so I'm just gonna wrap things up with this: not only had SNSD opened my eyes to be more accepting of girlgroups, they also made me realize I can't blatantly believe whatever people say about a certain K-Pop act. Also, as strong a hold DBSK had on me, somehow it was this girlgroup that managed to lure me into associating myself with a fandom - the fandom called S<3NE. 

Here's that video :D

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